Originally made for the big news about this so called 30th Anniversary collection, this is a look back at how Dragonball Z has been released on home video over the years. Please note this is only for North America and the episodes of Dragonball Z ONLY. Dragon Ball, GT, Super, and the movies are not included on the list. HOWEVER, due to the nature of Kai, we have included it on this list. So let's begin.
VHS Series (1997-1998)
The earliest DBZ releases were on VHS tapes. Each tape had 3 to 4 episodes each. Unfortunately DBZ was in their Ocean Dub form due to these being the versions being aired at the time in syndication. Of course, this was when Funnimation was focused more on family entertainment before becoming the powerhouse anime company in North America, but it would soon become the house that Goku built as you'll see. 67 episodes were released in total, but when edited down, it's only 53.
Individual DVD releases (1999-2005)
Once DVD came into the picture, they quickly re-released what was on VHS prior to it. These were pretty much the exact copies of what was on VHS. However, the series continued past the VHS series since VHS tapes became obsolete. All 291 episodes (in some sort of form) were released in the series and also released these in their original Japanese versions.
VHS Saga Box Sets (2001-2005)
Funnimation then released the entire series in boxed sets. The episodes were released based on Sagas. Each box had unique art covers making it a unique display. However, these were only issued for VHS and were the edited versions that aired in syndication and Cartoon Network.
Ultimate Uncut Edition (2005-2006)
The next series of DVDs would finally have the episodes uncut. The DVDs were split into two waves (Vegeta Saga I and Vegeta Saga II). However, only 27 episodes were released in this series. Funnimation had other plans for DBZ which would make collecting the episodes more convenient.
Orange Brick Set (2007-2009)
Finally, Funnimation began releasing episodes by season. They claimed that each episode has been digitally remastered in high definition from the original masters. Unfortunately, this is where controversy comes into play. The episodes are presented in 16:9 cropped widescreen making the characters look up close (since TVs at the time of its release were still 4:3). Despite these flaws, all 9 seasons came out on DVD. The DVD Season Box Sets continue to sell in stores to this day as well a packaged together complete series.
Dragon Box Z Sets (2009-2011)
These special edition DVD sets take a page as to how Toei released these episodes in Japan. These Dragon Box Z sets put the episodes back in their 4:3 ratio. Unlike previous releases, these were truly restored to its original quality (grain and all). 42 episodes per box were released and all 291 episodes were released in 7 volumes. These versions have since been discontinued and have been sought after by collectors. Many claim these to be the best releases of Dragonball Z ever.
Dragon Ball Z Kai (2010-2012)
To quickly sum up Kai, Toei remastered the entire series and edited them down to reduce filler bringing you more action. These newly edited, newly restored, and newly dubbed episodes truly make the series better than ever. A total of 167 episodes were shown reducing the amount of episodes, but fans were happy to see the story line go quicker as opposed to too many fillers during for example the Frezia Saga, more over, the Frezia fight. In this series, bringing DBZ to blu-ray for the first time (though in their Kai format), only 98 episodes were released. Each volume had 13 episodes in it, bringing a total of eight volumes released.
Kai Season Blu-rays (2011-2013)
For the collectors' market, Funnimation began releasing Kai in season sets while casual fans may only want the original Blu-ray releases. However, still only 98 episodes were released in a total of 4 volumes. This was due to the rest of the series not ready for an English adaptation. Still, fans enjoyed these newly revised versions of the series. But what about the original Dragonball Z? Will these original versions see the light of day again? Moreover, will they be in high def 1080p Blu-ray? Find out on the next Dragonball Z!!!!!!!!
Level Blu-ray (2011)
Last time on Dragonball Z Kai was getting all the Blu-ray attention, but the question remained about the original release. Well, finally Funnimation began a restoration project on Dragonball Z. The Level Blu-rays brought DBZ on Blu-ray for the first time. 17 episodes were released per volume and are the best looking the episodes have ever been. Uncropped, uncut, full HD, restored from the original film elements. Unfortunately, the project deemed too expensive for Funnimation, and only 2 volumes were released with volumes 3 and 4 being cancelled. A total of 34 episodes were released.
Rock the Dragon Edition (2013)
The most surprising release of DBZ is the Rock the Dragon Edition DVD. Made for those nostalgic of the old original edited dubs, this limited edition set contains all the episodes from the Ocean Dub that aired in the 90s. It also includes 3 Movies dubbed that same way. 67 episodes in total, but due to the edits it's reduced to 53. This set now goes for big bucks on the web.
Season Blu-rays (2013-2014)
Finally, Funnimation bit the bullet and released the series as season sets on Blu-ray. Whatever beautiful quality found on the Level sets were not shown here. To cut costs, the episodes were restored from the transfers made in 2007. Cropped widescreen, DNR'd, and no grain. Instead of restoring them to look as great when originally released (possibly better), they're restored to the point where they looked brand new getting rid of any signs of grain and causing smears on the frame. All 9 seasons were released this way ending all hope for better versions of this series.
Kai the Final Chapters (2017)
Kai meanwhile, finally got dubbed entirely, so Funnimation began to finish releasing these episodes on Blu-ray. Starting with episode 99 in Kai, a total of 3 volumes were released bringing all 167 episodes to blu-ray.
30th Anniversary Collector's Edition (2019)
With the 30th Anniversary of Dragonball Z, Funnimation decided to go at it again with an extra special collection for fans. This set contained all 291 episodes in one big box Limited to 6000 copies, and set for release during the holiday season, Funnimation claims these to be better restorations and in 4:3 as opposed to those fake cropped widescreen versions. However, based off of trailers, fans slammed the set down. The restoration went too far as to remove grain (inherited from film). We're also still losing some of the picture. Still, the set was massive with the discs coming in digibooks and includes a major artbook and a limited edition statue of Goku. The problems though not as bad as previous releases begs the question, why would they alter to make them look brand new instead of restoring to preserve as it originally looked. Perhaps we shall never know.
Steelbook Editions (2020-2021)
Now that the 30th anniversary editions sold out, it was time to release these versions to the general public. These new remasters in 4:3 are coming out in season sets. The packaging are steelbooks, and they deem very similar to the Level blu-rays, but with much more content. All 9 seasons were released in the course of 2 years. No changes to picture quality since these are the same as the 30th anniversary set.
Walmart Exclusives (2022)
After the release of the Steelbook Editions, Funnimation, yet again, decided to release Dragonball Z in bigger boxed sets. This time these blu-rays were to be sold at Walmart. The Walmart Exclusives are 3 volume boxed set, each box contains 3 seasons, bringing all 9 seasons on Blu-ray for the 4th time. Sadly, Funnimation either cut costs or screwed up big time; these were the widescreen versions, yet again. Around the same time this got released, Funnimation was completely absorbed into Crunchyroll with plans to phase out the Funnimation brand. How they will handle if any new releases of Dragonball Z remains to be seen.
Amazon Exclusive (2023)
Crunchyroll earlier would actually reissue the Seasons Blu-ray for unknown reasons, and in 2023,it got an exclusive boxed set release which you could only get on Amazon. However, it appears to be yet another reissue of the season sets.
Crunchyroll Exclusive (2024)
Likewise at the Crunchyroll shop in 2024, both it and Super got exclusive boxed sets with Z the same thing with Amazon. Same reissues of the Season Blu-rays, and was released exclusively on Crunchyroll. This was probably due to Dragonball being a hot topic that year with Toriyama's death and a new anime coming out.