I've been on a Pokemon fix recently, and most of my rewatching is from the moments Ash would battle for a badge from gym leaders thanks to the new Pokemon TV Youtube channel. Some were nice while others were tough opponents. For this list as something different, we are looking at each gym leader from weakest to strongest based on the number of battles and number of episodes to beat each one. It almost seems like ranking bosses for a video game, which is fitting for such a series based off of a video game. This will also include strategies on beating each leader based on the anime.
Badge: Cascade Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 1
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 1
So technically there are 4 gym leaders which includes Misty's sisters, but the decided to no longer battle and besides in the game, Misty is who you battle anyways. Two against two, Ash gets the badge for saving their Pokemon from Team Rocket. The strategy here is to use an electric type Pokemon. Had Pikachu decided to fight against Misty, this would have been an easier victory, but he is a Pika-Pal to Misty, so Pigeoto and Butterfree would have to do. But, be careful; water Pokemon has an advantage of staying underwater. It was a stroke of luck (and Team Rocket interrupting the match) that won Ash the Cascade Badge.
Badge: Rainbow Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 1
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 1
The next of the easier badges is Erika and the Rainbow Badge. Like with Misty, Team Rocket interrupts the battle and causes a fire to happen. Because of Ash's heroic abilities and a gain of trust to Erika's Vloom, Ash would get the Rainbow Badge. So what's the strategy? Well, Erika's Pokemon are all grass based, so it's quite possible to use a fire type, but honestly, any well trained Pokemon will do. If you have to face off with a Vloom, make sure you proceed with caution. If it feels threatened, it releases an awful smell that will pass your Pokemon and yourself out. This was how Ash won the badge; he became friendly to Vloom and gained its trust. Oh yeah, and be careful who you offend; the perfume store owner may also be the gym leader. Ash learned that the hard way.
Badge: Soul Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 1
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 1
Up next is the battle for the Soul Badge. This is probably the most forgotten battle as Team Rocket interfered and the focus as a result was Psyduck's special powers. Still, it takes skills to defeat Koga's Pokemon and a sense of carefulness within the gym; it's full of tricks and traps. The best advice I can give is to know your Pokemon and its abilities in battle. Koga and the other trainers at the Fuchsia Gym are smart, so it's important to be smarter. Sorry, can't think of any better advice except have faith in your Pokemon. Misty thought Psyduck was useless, but it turns out to be powerful when its headache gets severe.
Team Rocket
Badge: Earth Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 1
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 1
This is the final badge Ash battles for, and it's against the top nemesis, Team Rocket. But it won't be easy, because Team Rocket tends to cheat. This time if your Pokemon gets hit, so do you. In this case, what you have to do is team up. Ash teams up with rival Gary to stop the rigging so that Ash can beat Team Rocket and get that Earth Badge. However, it should be noted that Team Rocket, more specifically Jessie and James, were substituted for the real gym leader, which we'll talk about in a moment.
Badge: Boulder Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 2
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 1
Our next badge goes a level up. It's the first badge Ash battles for, the Boulder Badge. In order to get it, Ash battles Brock who is an expert on rock Pokemon. It ended up taking two battles, but to be fair, it was Ash's first battle, so he was bound to make some mistakes. It could take just one battle if you know your Pokemon well. Since Brock's Pokemon are all rock, a water type Pokemon can weaken them
Lt. Surge
Badge: Thunder Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 2
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 1
Our next badge is indeed a tough one as nearly every Pokemon facing off against Lt. Surge ends up at the Pokemon Center Emergency Room. Because of that, it easily takes a second battle in order to beat Surge. Your Pokemon has to be really tough, but you also have to have strategy. His top Pokemon and the one causing emergency room overflow is Raichu. For Ash and his Pikachu, they had two possible options: evolve Pikachu to become a Raichu and fight fire with fire or rethink his strategy as the Raichu evolved too soon and Pikachu knows the basics.
Badge: Volcano Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 2
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 2
The next badge is truly a tough one as it takes place inside and around the volcano, it took two battles and two episodes. The Volcano Badge seems easy to get because water beats fire, right? Well, no......it takes skill and ability. You will have to fight fire with fire as Ash did (eventually) with Charizard. The problem is that Charizard wouldn't listen to Ash. Eventually he choses to battle against Magmar simply because he wants to test its strength. However, this is why it took 2 episodes to get the badge because there is no way Pikachu would beat Magmar. That said, the final battle to get the badge may be the best one in the Indego League; it is absolutely awesome watching Charizard and Magmar battle it out. No wonder Charizard's Pokemon Card was worth a lot even today.
Badge: Marsh Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: 3
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 2-3 (based on if counting The Tower of Terror)
Here is in my opinion the scariest gym leader of them all......Sabrina. She has physic powers and I believe is true evil and kind of scary. It took 2 episodes, one lost battle, one forefit battle for not having the right Pokemon, and one successful battle to get the Marsh Badge. One false move, and she'll turn you or your friends into dolls. So what is the strategy to win. Well, it took three episodes because one of them was all about trying to find a ghost Pokemon to face off against her psychic Pokemon. That, apparently, is the key to defeating Sabrina and getting the Marsh Badge. Of course, that is if and only if the Haunter Ash catches would listen. It had a mind of its own, so the battles were much tougher. Regardless, Sabrina is very tough, but to my surprise, she's not the toughest. Oh no......there is one much much tougher.
Badge: Earth Badge
No. of Battles to Badge: unable to win battle as long as Giovanni's in charge and uses Mewtwo
No. of Episodes to get Badge: 0 (can't be done)
It looks like Ash has dodged a bullet with this one. Gary steps up first to fight Giovanni for the Earth Badge, and things seems to be going along alright until he brings up his special Pokemon. Although Dexter says no data, we all know it is Mewtwo who has strong psychic powers that could defeat any Pokemon. Gary was unable to beat him. Fortunately, Giovanni gets an emergency assignment leaving Jesse and James in charge of the gym causing Ash to win the Earth Badge, but the best strategy to beat this gym leader and his Pokemon.............uh.....................wing it? You can't win. Unless you take the events of Pokemon the 1st Movie, but that is a different story.
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